Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy New Year 2013

New year's eve - 31st December, it's that time of the year, when people are meeting up with friends, going places, engaging in revelry whilst bringing in the New Year.

I personally am not a big fan of the festivities. I had liked to stay indoors through most of my schooling and college years unlike the enthu-types partying-shartying.

But since the last 3 odd years, I along with a couple of friends would make it a point to meet up for dinner or maybe afterwards for dessert and bring in the new year at some peaceful place watching the fireworks.

The agenda-less meet would usually be us recalling how the previous year past and what each one of us planned to do in the upcoming year ... (making those resolutions which we revisit only at the end of the year)

It was 2009, Hemal, Ashish and me met up for dinner. It was pizzas. At that time cheese bursts being the rage, we over ambitious lot order two of those and ate till the point we ended up like stuffed Thanksgiving turkeys. We roamed around Borivali for a bit and in search for solace found our very own tanki*. Our tanki was the abandon concrete stage at the edge of the MHB ground. It has good place to sit and being an open ground we would get good cool breeze.

{Here tanki refers to the tank in the film "3 Idiots (2009)" which was the hangout zone of the three protagonists in the movie.}

The clock strikes 12 and the fireworks in the vicinity seem like they have been lit up only for us. Magic in Manic Mumbai.

In 2010, it was a similar story, though we skipped dinner and met directly for desserts. This year Kalpit accompanied us to as he was in India during the winter break. The hours flew by as like the previous year. Though this year we did plan our very first road trip to be executed in the coming 3 days. Nothing fancy - drive down to Shirdi for darshan and back.

Fireworks, the chill in the air and the warmth of friends … nice way to welcome the year ahead.

Come 2011, and I had plans different from the previous years. We had dinner and met up at Borivali railway station. The plan was to bring in the new year at Marine Drive with Mumbaikars. We alighted at around 11 PM on Charni road, and then started walking on the Marine drive in search for a decent place to sit and chill. We did find a very good place between Marine Lines and Churchgate, settled down and enjoyed the mood of the place. It was a different experience compared to previous years. There were people, loud music and lots of fireworks. It must have been a zillion people with whom we brought in 2012, had fun and then took the last local back home.

Our friend Verus though was always away during this time  and is always given a earful on the phone minutes before midnight.

This year though, my friends are all away, busy with work and studies. We are all going to be missing our annual tradition and therein lies the greatest lesson in life … FRIENDS have a special place in your life … and nothing can be substituted for them ….

I wish all of you a Happy New Year … may the new year bring you lots of good luck … and as Inzi (Inzamam ul Haq) would say "Insha allah - agar khuda ne chaha toh 2013 ka last din saath mein celebrate karenge … "