Wednesday, 11 May 2016

TIL #1: Western Art Music

#TIL is a very popular hash tag on twitter short for "Today I Learnt".

On the same lines I have decided to write short blog entries on various topics of interest to me that I have learnt something on.

The first one I am writing about is the different eras of Western Art Music or Western classical music. The content has been sourced online.

Approximate Timelines
Notable Musicians
Pre 1100 CE
1100 CE - 1400 CE
Church music comprising of chants.
Mostly written in Latin.
1400 CE - 1600 CE
Music written in the musicians mother tongue "madrigal".
Instrument music and voice wouldn't overlap.
Gabrieli, Lasso, Byrd, Palestrina, des Pres
1600 CE - 1750 CE
Opera music.
Instrument and voice combined.
Johan Bach, Vivaldi, Handel, Corelli, Monteverdi
1700 CE - 1800 CE
Modern Ensembles.
Development of Symphonies.
Defined in structures and phrases. Some of the structures were used up to 200 years later.
Mozart, Haydn
1800 CE - 1900 CE
Programmatic music as part of story telling.
Beethoven, Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Strauss, Mendelssohn, Liszt, Brahms, Mahler, Tchaikovsky, Bruckner, Faure, Sibelius
20th and 21st century
1900 CE - present
Many different styles.
Serialism, American post-war, Modernism, Neo-classicalism, Minimalism, Post-modernism
Too many to list.

Before this short study I had heard only Mozart, Beethoven and Chopin - discovered almost accidentally. You would remember the Titan advertisement music (Mozart) or the MS Windows sample mp3 file (Beethoven). Chopin was a pop culture pickup from Dexter - Detective Frank Lundy.

I have been latching onto whatever little art works I get from any of the above era and compiling them. From what I have heard so far, I can only say it's going to be a splendid journey ahead. Keep listening. :)

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